North Philidelphia

Get to Know Fendi Boii

Q. Who Are You?

A. Fendi Boii

Q. Where Are You From?

A. Mount Pleasant / North Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Q. Describe Your Genre’ 

A. Lyricly Melodic

Q. Who Are Your Musical Influences?

A. Me ,Lil Durk, & Family

Q. What Inspires You To Write Music?  

A. My Life Story

Q. Title of your main single ?


Money Mike

Q. When Do Your Creative Ideas Usually Come To You?

A. Throughout the day & while in studio session

Q. What are some of your past projects & how did they benefit you?

A. Deep Thoughts and the benefits were a lot of positive feedback to keep going

Q. Which one of YOUR songs is YOUR favorite & why?

A. Money Mike it’s was different from the type of music I usually make.

Q. Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

A. In the music industry with my own label

Q. What’s your favorite restaurant & Why?

A. Hibachi because they have this Hibachi chicken I’ve been liking ever since first time I had it.

Q. Things you like to do for fun ?

A. Make music, rap on beats, studio, and chill with fam $ go on adventures.

Q. What’s your favorite movie ?

A. Scarface
Q. Where Can Your Music Be Found?

A. YouTube and soon to be all platforms.