Q. Who Are You?
A. Boss Tripp 4Tre
Q. Where Are You From?
A. San Antonio, TX born and raised Whxxp!
Q. Describe Your Genre’
A. Rap with a message
Q. Who Are Your Musical Influences?
A. Nipsey Hussle, Don Tripp, MO3, currency
Q. What Inspires You To Write Music?
A. Thing I go through on a daily bases that I need to vent about or express inspires me.
 My family, primarily my daughter and those we lost during this journey.
Q. Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?
A. I see myself owning real estate in barbershops across Texas and owning one trucking company all to reinvest into my craft.
Q. What’s your favorite restaurant & Why?
A. Raising canes I guess I really love the chicken and the customer service I ain’t never had to wait too long for me food.
Q. When Do Your Creative Ideas Usually Come To You?
A. My creative ideas usually come at night early mornings really when I’m able to get my peace of mind.
Q. What are some of your past projects & how did they benefit you?
A. I have done approximately 29 song out on all platforms and a lot more unrealeasted every project I drop has been a growing experience and it thought me a lot like connecting wit the right ppl and seeing its a lot more to music then jus making it I benefited off the way it made me open up my mind to different situations that’s can help me in my daily life.
Q. Which one of YOUR songs is YOUR favorite & why?
 A. My favorite song if spilled milk because of what I felt when I was making it, I was going through a transition in my life where some of the ppl that was close to me turned they back and I use to not be able to express myself and i finally figured the recipe out.
Q. Where can your music be found?
 A. All platforms
My music can be found on all (DSP) platforms, you simply Google me Boss Tripp 4Tre or check out my websites www.bosstripp4tre.com
Q. What’s Next???
A. I have a arsenal of singles ready to release for 2023 so stay tuned
Boss Tripp 4Tre The voice of San Antonio’s Rap
Instagram: bosstripp4tre
Website: www.bosstripp4tre.com