Burkina Faso, Africa

Get to Know Wendinmi

Q. Who Are You?

A. Wendinmi

Q. Where Are You From?

A. Burkina Faso

Q. Describe Your Genre’ 

A. A mix of hip hop and afrobeats

Q. Who Are Your Musical Influences?

A. I’m a big fan of Tupac, Davido, BurnaBoy and French rap artists.

Q. What Inspires You To Write Music?  

A. I write about the things I’ve seen and experienced, or things I’ve seen others experience.

Q. Title of your main single ?

A. Welcome to Vegas

Q. When Do Your Creative Ideas Usually Come To You?

A.  They usually come in quiet moments when I have time to myself. Usually when I’m driving or just chilling.

Q. What are some of your past projects & how did they benefit you?

A. I’ve had collaborations with a few national artists that challenged me to rise to another level in my art.

Q. Which one of YOUR songs is YOUR favorite & why?

A. Probably La Vie because I use More, French and English and it’s really high energy and reflects both where I come from and where I am now.

Q. Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

A. I’d love to be performing all over the world to audiences who know my music.

Q. What’s your favorite restaurant & Why?

A. More of a favorite food, but I love pho. Anywhere that has good pho. It’s just a comforting dish that can cure anything. A cold, a hangover.

Q. Things you like to do for fun ?

A. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, working out and creating art.

Q. What’s your favorite movie ?

A. I’m a big Godzilla fan but I also like watching older films from my home country, Burkina Faso.
Q. Where Can Your Music Be Found?

A. Everywhere. YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp